Ultimate Website Marketing Strategy

Ultimate Website Marketing Strategy

Approximately there are 47% of the customers in today’s date who are now moving onto an online platform and use Digital Marketing to seek consultation before purchasing anything. If such a huge number of your customers are there, then you should be too. According to Google, 97% of the customers search for local businesses. In this world where almost, everything has managed to crawl up your screens i.e. online then it is of utmost importance to go online if you don’t want to lose your potential customers. A strong online presence, Digital Marketing and satisfied customers lead to a better brand image. No matter how small the business is, it must have a website to cater to the online customers.

1. Audit your current website:The first step towards better Digital Marketing is auditing your website. Under auditing you analyze your website and rectify the flaws in it. While going over your website design, you taken into account the customer’s experience. Your website should be easy to navigate and read. Make sure that whatever font size and colors you use are easy to read. All the image you use should be visible properly even for small screens. While analyzing your website also note the time it takes for your website to load. If your website is slow it will not only reduce your customer’s experience but also affect your SEO (Search Engine Optimization).



2. Optimize your website for SEO (Search Engine Optimization): The purpose of SEOs (Search Engine Optimization) is to make it easy for search engines to find your website and index them in a better manner. The second step after analyzing and listing the flaws in your website, you must make those changes for better experience. SEO (Search engine optimization) is the process of making changes to your website design and make it more attractive to search engines. In turn your website will appear on SERP for relevant keywords and phrases. Best practices of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are changing continuously according to updates in Google Algorithms. By improving SEO (Search Engine Optimization), you can drive more relevant traffic back to your site.


3. Start content marketing:After having done the analysis and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) now is the time to formulate content strategy. Content on your website is one of the primary and most engaging features of your website. Good quality content will improve the traffic of your website both in terms of quality and quantity whereas poor quality content will lead to bad name for the company. So carefully choose the content for your website and keep the following questions in mind before finalizing your content.

What is the type of content you want to upload?
Who will be included in your target audience?
Do you have enough specialization for superior quality content?
How often will you publish the content?



Build a social media presence: Next step after deciding a content strategy is to build a social media presence. Social media platforms will be used for promoting your company and its products and services. It’s not necessary to be present on all the social media instead focus on those platforms which has majority of your customer base. Once you have chosen the social media platforms on which you want to work create your business profiles and start connecting with your potential customers. You can grow your social media following by posting engaging content on your website. In addition to posting about your business and promotions you can generate blogs. You can also use E-mails and invite others to guest blog for you.




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